There are phases when you just feel like doing sports every day. Or there is this one body goal buzzing around in your head that you want to achieve at all costs – a flat stomach for a beach vacation or a dream figure for a wedding. But with the gym becoming a second home, many are wondering if is it even healthy to exercise every day? Here is my answer as a sports scientist.

Author: Sebastian Priggemeier

What it means to train every day

In order to answer the question correctly, it must first be clarified what is meant by “exercise every day”. In the end, everyone defines that for themselves.

It means:

Going to the gym * every day to build muscle?
Do sports every day to stay healthy and fit?
Exercising every day to lose weight?
I will go into each variant and give tips that everyone can use to achieve their goals without risking physical burnout.

>> Because the fact is: our body needs breaks to remain efficient.

Exercising every day is not healthy in this respect – unless you do it cleverly and use sport specifically for active regeneration. This works with a good training plan. But that also includes break days.

Because if you overdo it with the training, you have to reckon with painful overload problems. The muscles and especially the tendons suffer from too much exercise, and even the psyche reacts with symptoms of depression (keyword: overtraining).

Train every day: A basic rule helps

Yes, sport is fun, and especially when the first successes can be seen or when a new sport has conquered your heart, you would like to use every free minute for training. However, there is something to consider in order to stay healthy and not lose the fun.

One factor is decisive: variety!

One-sided loading is the main problem. Squats and bench presses every day? Exhausting and too hard for the musculoskeletal system. jog every day? This inevitably leads to tendon problems. The solution is variety – and a day off every two to three days so that the performance curve increases and does not decrease.


daily gym visits in order to gain muscular
When doing strength training, it is important not to overload muscles, tendons and joints. Muscle building works on the principle of supercompensation – this means that the body needs 24 to 48 hours of training break after a hard training session to repair the muscles and build new muscle mass.
‘ So the trained muscle groups need a break – but that doesn’t mean that you can’t work on yourself at all. Example: If you pumped up your chest and back on Monday, you can train your legs and biceps on Tuesday without a guilty conscience. On the third day, however, a rest day should follow – or a very relaxed cardio training session.
Exercising every day to stay healthy and fit
Fitness means something different to everyone. Some want to look good, and others primarily want to climb the stairs at home without pain or shortness of breath. For this, the heart should be in good shape, as well as the major muscle groups (legs, buttocks, and back).
‘ A mix of strength training and endurance training is ideal. Do 20 to 30 minutes of basic strength-training exercises at home or in the gym (squats, push-ups, pull-ups, and planks) twice a week, plus two light cardio sessions a week (30 to 60 minutes each of jogging, walking, biking, or swimming).
Exercise every day
to lose weight Do you want the pounds to tumble? This happens almost automatically if you optimize your diet (take in fewer calories) and/or exercise more (burn more calories – for example through Tabata training ). These two set screws are important in order to lose weight effectively. Exercising every day is not absolutely necessary. Rest days are important and right. But if you can no longer do without sport, you should train your body in a variety of ways.
‘ Long walks in the fresh air or relaxed hikes are the perfect calorie-killing counterbalance to strength units in the gym (focus on the large muscle groups: back, legs, bottom). Why strength training? Because each new or larger muscle cell increases energy expenditure – even during sleep, the body burns calories if the muscles have been active. Building and maintaining muscle mass costs a lot of energy, which the body draws largely from fat reserves.