Seo Specialist vs Web Developer

Seo Specialist vs Web Developer

do not know me right don’t even get to know me if you want to be a loser in
line all right so the next session now will be for those we able to share
whatever it is that I’m aFbout to share with you today all right now let’s let’s
get into it how to avoid getting caught by Google 
Seo Specialist right so you Google Seo Specialistis a data
company must understand that Google Seo Specialist 
is a data company and I say data company a
company that deals with huge chunks of data the amount of data that Google 
Seo Specialist has
I’m sure it’s going to be more than petabytes because we have megabytes
gigabyte terabyte petabyte I’m definitely sure that it’s going to be in the
quadrillion bit of data because imagine a company that knows that isb tailored
to every single user imagine the concept of a system that is so personal to you
that knows what you want that knows the things you need and so on and so forth
so crazy that the algorithms that are on these systems they even know what you
would need in the future so when Google 
Seo Specialist asks you what is your age let’s believe
that based on some data that they’ve been able to put in the past they know
when it’s time for you to get married it starts crazy because it has happened
to me right I’m still single. 

I’m not yet married but then I’m having the
thought of it in my head I actually haven’t even shared that with any other
person but then I realized that I started getting ads on rings I started
getting ads on wedding dresses and wedding suit and I’m like whoa are you guys
in my head now so they have they they are a data company and with artificial
intelligence they get to you know know you and know how you behave and you act
right but there’s a downside to everything in as much as they know every single
person they can’t also know every single person at the same time right because
not everybody uses Google 
Seo Specialist services the only way that Google Seo Specialist can get to know you
is if you are logged in if you have an account with Google 
Seo Specialist so if you have an
account then they can accumulate your activities but if you don’t have an
account they can’t accumulate your activities which gives us the advantage
because it’s a loophole so it means that whatever it is that we do we can have
a way of doing it without being logged in on Google 
Seo Specialist without having our data
stored Etc right now the margin is very thin and you must be very careful and
that is why half of my my tutorials are always based on how to be strategic and
careful all right so everything you think you know about yourself Google 
Seo Specialist knows
better because of data logs that they got on you right they know you so well
possibly even more than your mother the things that you plan to do Google 
Seo Specialist knows
every single place that I drive to at the end of the month I get the cumulative
data of the longest amount of hours that I’ve driven the places I’ve visited
frequently the most instead you think about it I’m not even using Google 
Seo Specialist Maps
to navigate my way around the city but then it knows because my location is on
so it knows okay Ferry you move from here to here to here to here that is how
they get to know you and it’s very important that we capitalize on this and
take advantage of it all right so this Strategy Overview these are the things
I’ll be talking about today for this strategy we have user agent examples of
user agent a Firefox Chrome Etc

Iif you’re following me you must have heard me
talk about this over and over and again the second is devices where we have
your iPhones of the world to Samsung the pixel of the world ETC number three we
have our location we have United States Germany exetera we have number four
cash which is your stored browsing or browser sessions number five we have data
logs what the computer that you are currently using the data it has been able
to accumulate based on your activities whilst your browsing right and then we
have activities we tend to look at your timeline where you went how you
navigated your way Etc and habit now just touching on user agent because from
here we’ll be moving into the main course and only those people who are my
students will have access to the people who wants to be missing will have
access to it right so user agent these are examples of user agent user agent
are just simply the kinds of would I call it toenail that you use to access any